1. Syllable-final closure /2. Neuralization/3. Resyllabification/4. Nasal Assimilation/ 5. ��-assimilation/
6. Tensification/7. Aspiration and
��-weakening/7. Palatalization/8. Palatalization/9. Double consonant reduction/

1. Syllable-final closure: Final consonants are unreleased syllable-finally. [Txt29, Rule 2, Practice 2]

��: �� , �� , �� , Ʈ��

��: �� , �� , ��

[No Korean words end in �� ��ħ.]

2.Neutralization: [Txt29, Rule 2]
Because of the Syllable closure rule, some consonants cannot be realized in the syllable-final position (in isolation or before another consonant), but are neutralized into ��, ��, ��

a soul
�� [��]
�� [��]
an individual item
�� [��]
�� [��]
�� [��]
�� [��]
�� [��]
�� [�J]
�� [��]
price tagprice
�� [��]
�� [��]
���� [����]
�� [��]


3. Resyllabification: [Txt28, Rule 1, Practice 1]

(C)VC-V(C) --> (C)V-CV(C) : A syllable final consonant (��ħ) moves into the next syllable when the next syllable begins with a vowel:

���� ���� [��ĥ]�̿���?

�̸���[�̸���] ������?


�� > �e [Neutralization]: /�e�г�/

��+�� = �� /��Ź��/

�� > �� before �� [Nasalization]: [������]

�� 'neck'+��=���� [���] [cf. ��� 'mosquito']
�� 'siecle'+��=���� [����] , �� 'day time'+=����[����]
�� 'face'+��=���� [��ġ] , �� 'flower'+��=���� [��ġ]

�� 'mouth'+��=���� [�̺�] , �� 'leaf'+��=���� [����]

no consonant cluster within a syllable. [Txt. 28, Rule 1, practice 2]

    Cf. ���� --> [����]
       ���ƿ� --> [���ƿ�]   Cf. ���ƿ� --> ���ƿ� --> ������

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  4. Nasal Assimilation: [Txt 29, Rule 3, practice 3]
Final consonants(��ħ) become nasalized when they are followed by a nasal consonant (i.e., ��, ��).    

�� , ��, ��                --> ��: �� �Ծ�� [��Ӱſ�] , �Ը�[�Ӹ�]
��, ��, ��                 --> ��: �г� [�׳�] , �� �Ծ�� [�� �Ӱſ�]
��, ��, ��, ��, ��, ��, ��, ��, ��--> ��: �� ��[���] , ������[������]

  5. ��-assimilation [Txt 30, Rule 4, Practice 4]

���� [����] , ���� [����] , �Ŷ� [�Ƕ�]

    �� --> ��/when it follows �� and precedes /i/ or /y/:

���� [����] , ���↑ [�����]


6. Tensification [Txt 307, Rule 5, Practice 5, 6]:
Consonant clusters are subject to simplification:
When the following sound is a consonant, consonant clusters are neutralized into one of the 7 representative final consonant, and the following obstruent (stop, affricate, fricative) becomes tensed.

�б� [�в�] , �Ĵ� [�Ķ�] , ����[����] , �� �� [�e��] ,
���� [����]

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7. Aspiration and ��-weakening [Txt 31, Rule 6, Practice 7, 8]:

8. Palatalization [Txt 38, Rule 8, Practice 29]

���� [��ġ] [cf. ���ƿ� [��Ÿ��] ], ���� [��ġ]

9. Double consonant reduction: Consonant clusters are also neutralized [Txt 32, Rule 7, Practice 9]:

    ���� /ks/ , ����/lk/     --> �� [k] : �� [��] , �� [��]
    ����/nc/, ����/nh/       --> �� /n/ : �ɴ� [�ȵ�] , ���ƿ� [������]
    ����/ps/                     --> �� [p] : �� [��] , ���� [����]
    ����/lk/, ����/lp/, ����/ls/, ���� /lth/, ���� /lph/, ���� /lh/     --> ��/l/

�д� [�ϵ�] , �д� [�ε�] , ��� [�ߵ�]
�Ӵ� [�ҵ�] or [����] , ���� [����] or [����] , �ȴ� [��Ÿ]

    ���� /lm/                     --> �� [m] : ��� [���]

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