G2.2 -�� �ִ�

Speaking Activity 1:
Exchange a conversation regarding location of the following items:

1. Bookstore (å��)     2. Stadium     3. Library (������)

4. Health Center (�ᄇ����)     5. �ѱ� �Ĵ�

Be creative and spontaneous in selecting items and expand the dialogue.

Model dialogue
��Ƽ�꾾, ���� �б� �Ĵ��� ��� �־��?
��Ƽ��: IMU �ȿ� �־��.
���� ���������� �����?
��Ƽ��: ������ �ؿ��� �־��.
���� ���� Macdonald �־��?
��Ƽ��: ��, Reed Hall�ȿ� �־��.
���� Reed Hall�� ��� �־��?
��Ƽ��: Music Art Center �տ� �־��.
���� Music Art Center�� ��� �־��?
��Ƽ��: Jordan Ave.�� �־��.
(Now Steve asks questions and ���� answers)

Speaking Activity 2:
A: . . .-��/�� ��� �־��?
B: . . .-�� �־��.

Ask your partner about the location of the following items:

Model dialogue
���̾� �б� �Ĵ��� ��� �־��?  
�迵��: IMU�� �־��.
��Ƽ��: Registar office�� ��� �־��?  
�迵��: Franklin Hall�� �־��.

Speaking Activity 3:
A: . . .�� ���� �־��?
B: . . .�� . . .-��/�� �־��.

Ask your partner what are in the places given below:

Model dialogue
���� �� ���� �ȿ� ���� �־��? 
�迵��: �ѱ��� å�� �־��. ������ �־��
��Ƽ�� ���� ���� �ȿ� ���� �־��?
��Ƽ��: ���� �ѱ��� �Ź��� �־��.