E305/505 Korean Language and Culture

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Assignment on Politeness and language

Name: ______________________

  1. Brown and Gilman (1972, B&G hereafter) discuss two second person pronoun forms in Indo European languages which are represented as T-pronoun and V-pronoun. What do T and V stand for?

  2. According to B&G, what are the three potential sources of the V-pronoun of its usage as second person pronoun?

    (i) ______________________________________________________________________________
    (ii) ______________________________________________________________________________
    (iii) ______________________________________________________________________________

  3. In medieval Europe, Pope received V from and used T to his subordinates. Who else received V from whom?

  4. What are the two semantic dimensions of politeness discussed in B&G that dictate the uses of the two second person pronouns (T-pronoun & V-pronoun) in Indo-European languages, and what are the relations between the speakers that define each dimension?

    1) ________________ dimension: _________________, __________________
    2) ________________ dimension: _________________, __________________

  5. What are the six categories of persons by their relation to a speaker? Give an example of social dyad for each category as well.

    (i) ______________________________:
    (ii) ______________________________:
    (iii) _____________________________:
    (iv) _____________________________:
    (v) _____________________________:
    (vi) _____________________________:

    Among these, in which category or categories is there a conflict between power dimension and solidarity dimension?

  6. In the multi-dimensional system of address terms in the Indo-European languages, which of the two pronouns, T or V, is used when the addressees (listener) are:

    1) Parents, elder brother ______ 2) Son, old family retainer, younger brother: ______
    3) Waiter, soldier, employ: ______ 4) Customer, officer, employer: ______

  7. The once a multi-dimensional second person pronoun system in Indo-European has been simplified into a one-dimensional system. What semantic feature of each pronoun refers to most lately?

    1) T-pronoun _______________ 2) V-pronoun: ____________________

    According to B&G, what two aspects of modern society has brought this? (i)_________________________________ (ii) ______________________________________

    In this new system, , which of the two pronouns, T or V, is used when the addressees (listener) are:

    1) Parents, elder brother ______ 2) Son, old family retainer, younger brother: ______
    3) Waiter, soldier, employ: ______ 4) Customer, officer, employer: ______

  8. According to Sohn (1983),

    (i) what are the power variables?

    (ii) What are the solidarity variables?

  9. Sohn and Hijirida (1986) discuss 8 honorific variables that determine the politeness pheonomena in English, Korean, and Japanese. They are kinship, age, sex, occupational rank, social status, groupness, intimacy, and casualness. Which language puts emphasis on:

    1) kinship: _______________ 2) Age: ________________
    3) Sex: ________________ 4) Groupness: _______________
    5) Intimacy & casualness: _____________

  10. Sohn (1983) discusses six speech styles in Korean (compared to three in Japanese) as follows:
    P-style ('Deferential' style in Martin 1964) Y-style ('Polite' style in Martin 1964)
    S-style ('Athoritative' style in Martin 1964) N-style ('Intimate' style in Martin 1964)
    T-style ('Plain' style in Martin 1964)
    E-style ('Familiar' tyle in Martin 1964)

    The uses of these 6 speech styles have changed in Korean society. In the traditional Korean society, a younger kin in the ascending generation used N or E to an older kin in the descending generation (e.g. a younger uncle to an older nephew), while receiving P or Y. How has this changed and what does this imply?

  11. According to Sohn and Hijirida (1986), there are two dimensions of honorifics in Korean and Japanese. What are they and how are they manifested in the two language?

    How about in English?